Friday, July 29, 2011

Everything is here!

So,after over 3 weeks of combing eBay like some mildly obsessive lunatic I now have everything needed to begin the new school year. With a grand total of 604 dollars spent. Eeek. A month in advance. Sigh. So maybe we'll start early? Don't know if the girls will agree to it,but I am so anxious to get started! I have to admit,I am nervous about teaching them both at the same time,but hopefully since Viv's should only take about an hour I can have Scarlett do her independent  reading at that time.
     I'm also thinking of getting to bed earlier every night and waking up by 8:30 to get the day started. Right now that is hard to envision,I do love my nightly alone time not to mention...SLEEPING! Apparently I'll never get a full night of sleep,ever again. Ah,the things we do for the ones we love!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

YAY!! I love a good bargain!

I am so excited! I had been planning on buying some sort of shelf type thing to hold all the school stuff to keep in the kitchen. Wasn't thrilled with the thought of actually paying for something like that though. Today we ran over to a local thrift store and I found the perfect shelving unit with 5 shelves for...10 DOLLARS!!! Yay me!!! Such a bargain! So thrilled! Getting everything organized and put away! Countdown to the new school year is on! 37 days and counting! Woohoo!
    On a side note we also got Vivian a bike with a seat for her baby (HUGE bonus as anyone who knows Viv can attest to) for $9. YAY!

Friday, July 22, 2011

My Very First Blog!!

So,I have decided that I am starting a blog about our homeschooling journey. I guess I will begin with a bit of info about me. I am married to Adam since Sept of 94 and we have 2 girls,Scarlett 8 and Vivian 5. We are beginning our 4th year of home education in the fall. We have used My Father's World the entire time and love it! Although Scarlett is pretty weak in math,so we are switching to Math U See this year. Hopefully that helps!We are also going with Easy Grammar this time around. I have spent the last 2 weeks scouring eBay for bargains trying to put together the curriculum at a bargain price. All in all I saved $139 but honestly I don't know if it was worth it what with the stress of bidding (does that make anyone else as crazy as me?!)
   Anyway,my plan for this blog is to keep a record of our progress throughout the school year.I'm sure some days there will be laughs,and unfortunately there will be days with tears...have I mentioned the math issue??? I look forward to sharing our ups and downs with the cyber world,but now have to go because Scarlett is screaming for me to make root I go. Until next time,God Bless and happy blogging!
                                                 Homeschooling Mama x2